RISe Terminology Defined
ACC: Animal Care Committee
ACCA: Animal Care Committee Administrator
BCCA: British Columbia Cancer Agency
BREB: Behavioural Research Ethics Board
COI/COC: Conflict of Interest/Conflict of Commitment
COIA: Conflict of Interest Administrator
CO-I: Co-Investigator
CREB: Clinical Research Ethics Board
C&W REB: Children’s & Women’s Research Ethics Board
CWL: Campus Wide Login
PAA: Post Approval Activities
PHCRI: Providence Health Care Research Institute
PC: Primary Contact
PI: Principal Investigator
REB: Research Ethics Board
REBA: Research Ethics Board Administrator
RISe: Research Information Systems
What browsers are compatible with RISe?
Please visit our Accessing RISe page for detailed information on what browsers are compatible with RISe.
How do I log into RISe?
The first thing you need is a Campus Wide Login (CWL) Account. Your CWL username and password enables you to access many of UBC’s websites and online services including Researcher Information Systems (RISe).
If you do not have a CWL, it can be created at (choose a Basic Account)
To access your RISe account:
1. Go to
2. Click the RISe Login and Registration dropdown
3. Click RISe Login
4. Login with your CWL and Password
5. You should load into your Home Page for RISe under your RISe account.
How do I set up a Campus-Wide Login (CWL)?
To set up a CWL Account, please visit the CWL website.
If you do not qualify as Faculty, Guest, Staff, or Student in Step 2 of the sign up process, please choose to create a Basic Account.
Complete the online form and choose a username and password that you will remember.
How do I get a RISe account?
Please visit our Accessing RISe page for detailed information.
How do I update my profile information on RISe?
To update your profile information, such as your name, email address or phone number, training, and ethics affiliation/rank:
- Log into RISe
- Click on your name on the top-right corner of your RISe homepage.
- Click on "Details" on the left hand side to access your RISe profile.
- Click "OK" or "Apply" at the bottom once completed
Please note: If you have a UBC HR Employee ID/Rank, your primary rank/affiliation CANNOT be changed by RISe as it is provided through WorkDay UBC. The primary appointment listed is based on an internal ranking with UBC and UBC Employment data will always take priority as RISe is a UBC System.
Training Certificates:
All training certificates can be updated manually either yourself or by RISe with the exception for Animal Ethics Training/Certification.
For Animal Ethics Training information, please contact the below to update:
Animal Care/BioSafety/Radiation -
Animal Care Practical Training -
How do I update my UBC rank?
To update your profile information, such as your name, email address or phone number, training, and ethics affiliation/rank:
- Log into RISe
- Click on your name on the top-right corner of your RISe homepage.
- Click on "Details" on the left hand side to access your RISe profile.
- Click "OK" or "Apply" at the bottom once completed
Please note: If you have a UBC HR Employee ID/Rank, your primary rank/affiliation CANNOT be changed by RISe as it is provided through WorkDay UBC. The primary appointment listed is based on an internal ranking with UBC and UBC Employment data will always take priority as RISe is a UBC System.
How do I know what my primary appointment and affiliation is?
If you have a UBC HR Employee ID/Rank, your primary rank/affiliation CANNOT be changed by RISe as it is provided through WorkDay UBC. The primary appointment listed is based on an internal ranking with UBC and UBC Employment data will always take priority as RISe is a UBC System.
You can always add an additional affiliation/appointment to your primary affiliation.
Why is it important to list my additional appointments and affiliations?
It is important to list all of your appointments and affiliations so that when it comes time to submit your application, you will have a choice to which department you want to send the application for review/approval.
Why is it necessary to list my business email address?
It is very important that you keep your email address up-to-date on the RISe system to ensure that you receive all system automated email notifications regarding the status of your application(s).
What are Roles?
All RISe users are assigned roles based on their UBC rank. A user may be assigned multiple roles (I.e. A Department Head may be assigned both a PI & Staff role as well as a Department Approver role). The type of role you operate under determines the tasks/activities that you can perform on RISe (I.e. you must operate under your PI & Staff role in order to create, renew or amend your RISe applications).
Why do I have a PI & Staff role when I am not a Principal Investigator?
The PI & Staff role is a common role that all users are granted. However, whether or not you actually have the authority to be a Principal Investigator on a study depends directly on your UBC rank or permission and system authorization given by the Administrative Managers of the appropriate research committee.
How do I operate under a specific role or switch from one role to another?
The roles you have been granted are listed on the top left side of your homepage. Simply click on the appropriate role to switch to that new role.
How do I get assigned additional roles?
Roles are assigned to users by the REB, ACC, or COI Administrators depending on their rank and responsibilities. Please contact the appropriate research committee for additional role designation.
If I am a reviewer, how do I see the studies that I am listed as an investigator on?
It’s often the case that you may be operating under your reviewer role (i.e. as Department Approver, Committee Member, etc). Click on your “PI & Staff” role in the upper left hand corner of your “My Home” page under My Roles.
If I am a reviewer, how do I see the studies that I am supposed to be reviewing?
It’s often the case that you may be operating under your “PI & Staff” role. Click on your “Dept/Div Approver” role in the upper left hand corner of your “My Home” page under My Roles.
What is a Project ID?
The Project ID is the RISe generated number assigned to each study. The preceding letter identifies the type of application:
A – Animal Care (i.e. A18-0011)
C – Conflict of Interest (i.e. C18-1000)
H – Human Ethics (i.e. H18-70329)
Why are certain questions marked with red asterisks?
Red asterisks are used to indicate those fields that are required to be filled out. These questions must be completed in order for you to proceed to the next page of the form.
How do I edit my application?
Editing a new application is only possible during certain application states. (i.e. Pre Submission, Changes Required, Provisos pending). Simply click the “Edit Application” button on the left hand side of the Study Homepage under your Activities. Changes made after the application is submitted are tracked by the system.
How do I submit an application?
The Principal Investigator listed on the application will see a “Submit Application” button located under Activities on the left-hand side of the Study Homepage. By clicking on the button, the PI will be prompted to select the appropriate department for review. Click “Ok” to complete the activity and the state of the application will change from “Pre Submission” to “Department Review”.
Why do I see a “Copy of…” application that I did not create in My Inbox?
An application title that begins with “Copy of” is a clone of an existing application. It is possible that a fellow colleague has copied an existing application on which you are listed as part of the Study Team. However, if it was copied in error, you can withdraw it by clicking on the “Permanently Inactivate” button on the Study Homepage.
How do I withdraw an application?
Principal Investigators, Primary Contacts, and Study Team members are all able to withdraw an application that is still in a “Pre Submission” state. To do this, you must click the “Permanently Inactivate” button located under Activities on the left-hand side of the Study Homepage. Once an application has been submitted, only the PI can permanently inactivate an application and remove it from the review process. Inactivated applications are filed under the “Inactive” tab on your “My Home…” page.
How do I track the status of my application?
There is a column labeled State under each tab in your “My Home…” page. You will also see a Current State box in the upper left-hand corner of each Study Homepage indicating the status of that particular study/application.
Where can I find my Expired Applications?
Your expired applications will be filed under your “Inbox” tab as it requires your renewal or completion of the study. The application will remain in your “Inbox” until a renewal or completion is approved by the board.
What does each of the states mean?
Pre Submission: The PI and Study Team are still working to complete the application. It has not yet been submitted for review
Department Review: The PI has submitted the application to the Department Head for review/approval.
Changes Required by Department Reviewer: The Department Head has reviewed the application and requested clarification or changes be made to the application.
ACC Staff Screening: The application has been approved by the Department Head and is now being reviewed by the Animal Care Committee Administration (ACCA)
REBA Screening: The application has been approved by the Department Head (and C&W Peer Review if applicable) and is now being reviewed by the Research Ethics Board Administration (REBA) Changes Required by REBA: The REBA has reviewed the application and requested clarification or changes be made to the application.
Changes Required by ACC Staff: The ACCA has reviewed the application and requested that changes be made
Assigned for Full Review: The application has been scheduled to be reviewed at the next available Full Board meeting.
Assigned for Expedited Review: The application has been scheduled to be reviewed at the next available Expedited Meeting.
Meeting Complete: The REB Full Board meeting or Expedited meeting is complete and the REBA is recording the committee decision on the application.
Provisos Pending: The REB or ACC has reviewed the application and issued provisos on the application. The PI and Study Team must address all provisos and submit the application back for review. Proviso Changes Required by REBA: The REBA has viewed your proviso response and is requesting further changes or clarification.
Provisos Assigned for Expedited Review: The proviso response has been submitted back and is currently being reviewed by the REB Expedited Committee.
Deferred: The REB has reviewed your application and has decided to defer the application until the PI & Study Team have completed all requested changes from the REB.
Approved: The REB/ACC has reviewed and approved the application
Expired: If the application has not been renewed by the expiration date it will automatically expire. The PI & Study Team will then have a limited amount of time to submit a new renewal.
Terminated: The study is closed.
Suspended: The ethics approval has been suspended by the REB.
Approval-RFI Issued: The REBA has issued a Request for Information (RFI) on the approved study
What persons listed on a study receive notifications through RISe?
Only the Principal Investigator and the Primary Contact listed on a study will receive system generated email notifications.
Can I have email notifications pertaining to my ethics application redirected to my assistant or secretary?
No, the RISe system does not currently offer this feature. However, as long as your assistant or secretary is listed as a Primary Contact or administrative assistant, they will receive the same email notifications that are sent to you.
I am listed as a PI or PC on a study, so why am I not receiving any email notifications?
If you are listed as a PI or PC on an application and are still failing to receive email notifications, please ensure that the correct and up-to-date email address is listed on your profile/account information page. Also, please check that the email notifications have not been delivered into your "Junk Mail"
The “Jump To:” tool in the application is not working
To use the “Jump To:” tool you must place your cursor and click on the page number and title to get a drop down list of all the application pages. Please note: this feature does not allow you to jump ahead to pages on a brand new incomplete application.
I keep getting an error message when I try to “Continue” from page 2 to page 3 saying that I have not completed a required field – but questions 2.3 and 2.4 are not marked with a red asterisk as required fields.
Unless you have chosen the options “No Funding” or “Other”, you are required to complete either one or both of questions 2.3 and 2.4.
Why does nothing happen when I click on an “Add” or “Submit” button in the application or try to attach a document?
You probably have a pop-up blocker turned on in which case you want to either disable it or hold Ctrl on your keyboard as you click on “Add”.
I cannot exit out of the application – When I click “Exit” nothing happens and the screen does not refresh?
You probably have a pop-up blocker turned on in which case you want to either disable it or hold Ctrl on your keyboard as you click on “Exit”. You will get a pop-up window asking if you would like to “Save” your work before you close out.
Human Ethics
General Application Questions
What is a Human Ethics Project ID?
The Project ID is the RISe generated number assigned to each study. The preceding letter identifies the type of application:
H – Human Ethics (i.e. H18-00329)
Post Approval Activities (PAAs) retain the original Project ID and are appended with a letter “A” followed by a 3 digit number. (i.e. H18-00001-A001)
How do I create a new Human Ethics application?
Under your PI & Staff role, click on the Human Ethics button located under the heading “I would like to create a new application for…” on the left hand side of your “My Home” page. This will open up a new Human ethics electronic application form. Follow the guidance notes provided in the grey boxes on the right to complete each question. We encourage you to “Save” your work periodically and when navigating between pages to prevent losing work. You may exit the study at anytime and reenter the application for editing or completion while it is in Pre Submission state.
How do I edit my application?
Editing a new application is only possible during certain application states. (I.e. Pre Submission, Changes Required, Provisos pending). When the application is in these states, the application is said to be “unlocked” for editing. Simply click the “Edit Application” button on the left hand side of the Study Homepage under your Activities. Changes made after the application is submitted are tracked by the system.
My agency/sponsor is not listed in question 2.4 of the human ethics application. How do I add it into my application?
Please contact the RISe administrator by emailing the following agency/sponsor information to Full Official Sponsor Name, Address and Site URL.
How do I know if my application has been submitted?
After you click the “Ok” button on the submission pop-up window the Study Homepage will refresh and the pop-up window will disappear. When the screen has refreshed, you will see that the Current State (top left hand corner) will have changed from “Pre Submission” to “Department Review”. The application homepage will no longer be filed under your “My Inbox” tab. It will now appear under your “Human Ethics” tab. The Principal Investigator and Primary Contact will be notified by email, confirming successful submission.
What happens to my application once it has been submitted?
Once you have submitted your new application, it will get sent directly to your Department Head (Reviewer) for approval. Following Department Approval, your application will be sent to the Research Ethics Board (REB) for review.
Why am I not able to edit my application?
If you cannot see the “Edit Application” button on your Study Homepage, the state of the application is probably locked for review by either the Department Head or the Research Ethics Board. Your application will be open for editing once the reviewer sends the application back to you with a request for changes.
My application has disappeared from “My Inbox”. Have I deleted it by accident?
Applications that you have created will never disappear or be deleted from the system. Even if you permanently inactivate an application, you will still be able to access it under your “Inactive” tab. If you have just submitted your application, it will move out from under your “My Inbox” tab and move under your “Human Ethics” tab.
I submitted my application and it is no longer in “My Inbox”. How can I access it?
You will be able to access your submitted application under your “Human Ethics” tab.
How do I designate signing authority for PAAs to my Co-Investigator(s)?
Once an ethics application has been approved, the Principal Investigator can designate signing authority to submit PAAs (Renewals, Amendments, Completions, etc) to two co-investigators. Open up your approved study to the Study Homepage and click on the “Designate Signing Authority” button under the Activities menu on the left side of the screen. Proceed by clicking “Add” on the pop-up window and selecting the co-investigator(s) you wish to give signing authority. Click “Ok” to complete the activity.
How to change the Primary Contact on the ethics application in the RISe system?
Once an ethics application has been approved, the Principal Investigator can change the Primary contact without submitting an amendment to study.
Open up your approved study to the Study Homepage and click on the “Change Primary Contact” button under the Activities on the left side of the screen.
Proceed by selecting the primary contact’s first and last name from the RISe database, and click “Ok” to complete the activity.
Where do I find the meeting dates and the deadlines for the ethics committee? (For Committee and REB Members only)
On the left-hand side of your “My Home…” page you will see the heading, Committee Meetings. Click on a committee to view a list of scheduled meeting dates. You can also click on the date to see the deadline for application submission.
For Non Committee and REB members, please reach out to your application's Ethics Board.
What are provisos?
Provisos are questions or requests from the Research Ethics Board to the PI regarding the application. The application cannot be approved until all the provisos have been addressed.
Where do I see the provisos issued to me by the Research Ethics Board?
Provisos are listed on the Study Homepage under the “Provisos” tab (beside the “Correspondence” tab).
Who has access to view the provisos?
The Principal Investigator, Primary Contact, Co-Investigators, and Study Team members with online access can view and respond to provisos issued by the REB.
How do I know when provisos have been issued for my application?
When provisos are issued to you by the Research Ethics Board (REB), the PI and Primary Contact listed on the application will receive an email notification. If you are checking on RISe, you will also see that the application is sitting under your “My Inbox” tab in a “Provisos Pending” state.
How do I respond to provisos?
Depending on the type of provisos you may be required to answer questions outside of the application form, clarify your answers within the application form, or edit/make changes to the application all together. Some Research Ethics Boards require you to copy and paste each provisos item into a Word document entitled Proviso Response where you will address questions or clarify the changes you have made to the application in response to their requests. The application will be unlocked for the PI and/or Study Team to make the requested changes. Click on “Edit Application” under Activities on the left side of your Study Homepage to access the application form.
How do I submit provisos back to the Research Ethics Board (REB)?
Once all proviso items have been addressed (make sure you have saved all changes to the application before you close out) click on “Submit Provisos” and attach your Proviso Response word document in the comment box before hitting “Ok”.
How do I complete changes that are requested by the Department Head or the Research Ethics Board Administrator (REBA)?
Click on the “Changes Required By Department” entry under the “Correspondence” tab to view the Department head comments in more detail. The application will be unlocked for the PI and/or Study Team to make the requested changes. Click on “Edit Application” under Activities on the left side of your Study Homepage to access the application form.
Post Approval Activities
What is a PAA?
PAA stands for Post Approval Activities. PAAs take place after an application has received REB approval and a certificate of approval has been issued. There are six types of PAAs: Annual Renewal, Annual Renewal with Amendments to the Study (UBC BREB and UBC CREB studies only),Amendments to Study, Completion of Clinical Study, Completion of Behavioural Study and Request for Acknowledgment.
How do I create a PAA?
On the Study Homepage you will see a button labeled “New Post Approval Activity” under the heading, I would like to create …. After clicking on it a window will pop up with a list of PAA options. Choose one and click “Continue”.
Can I create more than one PAA at a time?
You can create some combinations of PAAs simultaneously (I.e. Annual Renewal & Amendment, Annual Renewal & Acknowledgment, Amendment & Acknowledgment).
Why can I not choose the PAA option, Annual Renewal with Amendments to the Study?
This option is only available to applications that have been submitted to and approved by either the UBC Clinical Research Ethics Board or the UBC Behavioural Research Ethics Board. The BC Cancer Agency Ethics Board, C&W REB and Providence Health Care Ethics Board require that annual renewals and amendments be submitted and reviewed separately. If your application is a CREB or BREB approved study and this option is still faded out, you likely already have an Annual Renewal with Amendments PAA in progress. You will not be able to create another until the first one has been approved.
Why am I unable to choose the option Amendments to Study in the PAA options?
If RISe is not allowing you to choose Amendments to Study as an option, you likely already have an Amendment in progress, either in a Pre Submission state in your “My Inbox” or undergoing REB review and pending approval.
Why can I not create a new PAA-Annual Renewal to my study?
If RISe is not allowing you to choose Annual Renewal as an option, you likely already have an Annual Renewal in progress, either in a Pre Submission state in your “My Inbox” or undergoing REB review and pending approval.
Why can I not create a new PAA-Annual Renewal to my study?
If RISe is not allowing you to choose Annual Renewal as an option, you likely already have an Annual Renewal in progress, either in a Pre Submission state in your “My Inbox” or undergoing REB review and pending approval.
How do I close my study on RISe?
You can submit a “Completion of Study” by clicking the “New Post-Approval Activity” button on the Study Homepage (under the heading, I would like to create …). After clicking on it a window will pop up with a list of PAA options. Choose “Completion of Clinical Study” or “Completion of Behavioural Study” and complete the coversheet. Click “Save & Close” when complete and click “Submit PAA” from the PAA Homepage. Once the REB has reviewed your Completion of Study they will terminate your ethics approval and your application will be filed under your “Inactive” tab
How do I delete an application or PAA that I have created by mistake?
Principal Investigators, Primary Contacts, and Study Team members are all able to withdraw an application that is still in a “Pre Submission” state. To do this, you must click the “Permanently Inactivate” button located on the left-hand side of the Study Homepage. Once an application has been submitted (and before it is approved), only the PI can permanently inactivate an application and remove it from the review process. Inactivated applications are filed under the “Inactive” tab in you’re “My Home…” page.
Animal Ethics
General Application Questions
What is an Animal Ethics Project ID
The Project ID is the RISe generated number assigned to each study. The preceding letter identifies the type of application: A – Animal Care (i.e. A11-0001) Amendments & Renewals retain the original Project ID and are appended with a letter “A” or “R” respectively, followed by a 3 digit number. (I.e. A18-0001-R001)
How do I edit my application?
Under your PI & Staff role, click on the Animal Care button located under the heading “I would like to create a new application for…” on the left hand side of your “My Home” page. This will open up a new Animal ethics electronic application form. Follow the guidance notes provided in the grey boxes to the right to complete each question. We encourage you to “Save” your work periodically and when navigating between pages to prevent losing work.
You may “exit” the study at anytime and reenter the application for editing or completion while it is in Pre Submission state. An application in Pre Submission will be filed under your “My Inbox” and will be accessible to the PI and all Study Team members with online access. When you have completed the application and are ready to submit it for review, click “Save & Close” on the final page. You will be redirected to the study homepage where you must click “Submit Application” on the left hand side in order to submit the application.
How do I edit my application?
Editing a new application is only possible during certain application states. (I.e. Pre Submission, Changes Required, Provisos pending). When the application is in these states, the application is said to be “unlocked” for editing. Simply click the “Edit Application” button on the left hand side of the Study Homepage under your Activities. Changes made after the application is submitted are tracked by the system.
My agency/sponsor is not listed in question 2.3/2.4 of the animal care application. How do I add it into my application?
Please contact the RISe administrator by emailing the following agency/sponsor information to Full Official Sponsor Name, Address and Site URL
How do I know if my application has been submitted?
After you click the “Ok” button on the submission pop-up window the Study Homepage will refresh and the pop-up window will disappear. When the screen has refreshed, you will see that the Current State (top left hand corner) will have changed from “Pre Submission” to “Department Review”. The application homepage will no longer be filed under your “My Inbox” tab. It will now appear under your “Animal Care” tab. The Principal Investigator and Primary Contact will also be sent an email notification confirming successful submission
What happens to my application once it has been submitted?
Once you have submitted your new application, it will get sent directly to your Department Head (Reviewer) for approval. Following Department Approval, your application will be sent to the Animal Care Committee (ACC) for review.
Why can I not edit my application?
If you cannot see the “Edit Application” button on your Study Homepage, the state of the application is probably such that it is locked for review by either the Department Head or the ACC. Your application will not be unlocked for editing unless the reviewer with possession sends the application back to you with a request for changes.
My application has disappeared from “My Inbox”. Have I deleted it by accident?
Applications that you have created will never disappear or be deleted from the system. Even if you permanently inactivate an application, you will still be able to access it under your “Inactive” tab. If you have just submitted your application, it will move out from under your “My Inbox” tab and move under your “Animal Care” tab.
I submitted my application and it is no longer in “My Inbox”. How can I access it?
You will be able to access your submitted application under your “Animal Care” tab.
How do I delete an application?
Principal Investigators, Primary Contacts, and study team members are all able to withdraw an application that has not yet been approved. This can be done by clicking “Permanently Inactivate” on the left hand side of the application homepage under Activities. If the project has been approved, it can be terminated by clicking “New Renewal/Terminate” under the “I would like to create…” heading, also located on the left hand side of the application homepage.
What are the various types of Animal Care applications I can apply for?
There are four types of animal applications: 1) Research 2) Teaching 3) Breeding 4) Pilot Projects
Question 3.5 of the application asks which type of animal application you would like to complete. The remaining questions on the application will be based on the type of application you have selected. For example, if you indicate that it is a breeding application, the questions on subsequent pages will be different than if you had indicated a teaching or research application.
What if I am using wildlife animals in my study?
If wildlife animals are being used, please specify the following information in question 4.10 of the application:
• Where will the study take place? Name the closest town and if the study will occur in the field or laboratory.
• For studies involving capture and restraint, detail the type of restraint chosen, the time and frequency for checking traps, details of physical restraint, chase times, mobilization agent used for chemical restraint and precautions taken to protect the animal and investigator
• What precautions will be taken to avoid capturing vulnerable animals and what action will be taken if these animals are captured?
• Details of marking, including potential long-term effects.
• Will any radio tracking collars or other tracking equipment be used? If so, detail the equipment to be used, method of attachment, weight of equipment, and the impact on the animal. Also, detail how the equipment will be retrieved.
• Details of any surgical and medical procedures. Indicate where and under what conditions it will be performed, as well as by whom.
• Provide details for monitoring the animals, including details of pens, enclosures, duration and nutrition
What is the approval process for new Animal Care applications?
The following outlines the main steps of the approval process:
Step 1 (Principal Investigator) – When you submit your application the system will ask you which department you would like it sent to for approval. Your application will be sent to the head of the department you specify for review and approval.
Step 2 (Department Head) – After reviewing the application, the department head will either, a) send it back to the PI to request changes or clarifications, or b) approve the application. If approved, the application will be forwarded to the Animal Care Committee Administrator (ACCA) for review.
Step 3 (ACCA) – After reviewing the application, the ACCA can either a) send the application back to the PI with requests for change or clarification, or b) forward the application for Committee Review (either full review or an expedited review).
Step 4 (Committee Member) – The application will be reviewed at the next expedited or full committee meeting. Expedited meetings occur every 2 weeks and full committee meetings occur monthly. After the application has been reviewed, the PI will receive an email notification with the meeting decision (provisos, approval, etc.)
Step 5 (Principal Investigator) – If provisos have been issued from the committee, the PI must complete the list of provisos and submit them back to the ACCA.
Step 6 (ACCA) – When provisos are received and pre-screened for completion, they will be forwarded for review at the next expedited meeting date. The ACCA will notify the PI if further provisos are required or if the application is approved.
Step 7 (Principal Investigator) – Once the application is approved, the PI and Primary Contact will receive an email notification of the approval as well as an electronic copy of the approval certificate.
What are provisos?
Provisos are questions or requests from the Animal Care Committee to the PI regarding the application. The application cannot be approved until all the provisos have been addressed. Provisos are listed on the Study Homepage under the “Provisos” tab (beside the “Correspondence” tab).
Who has access to view the provisos?
The PI and study team members all have access to view the provisos and edit the application accordingly. Please note: only the PI can resubmit the application including provisos for review.
How do I complete changes or provisos that have been requested by the department head, dean or Animal Care Committee?
If changes are requested by the department head, dean, or Animal Care Committee, the application will be sent back to the PI for address. The PI will be notified of this action via email. The application will then be forwarded to the PI and study team members’ inboxes. It will be unlocked for edits or additions by the PI and study team members. Click on the “Edit Application” button on the left hand side of the application homepage to open up the application. When the requested changes are complete, the PI or any of his/her study team members can re-submit it for review. The application will become locked as read-only once again.
How do I respond to provisos?
Provisos that are issued by the ACC can be found listed under the provisos tab on the Study Homepage. The application will be unlocked for the PI & study team to make the changes outlined in the provisos. Click “Edit Application” on the left-hand side of the Study Homepage (under Activities) to open up the application for editing.
Post Approval Activities
How do I create an Animal Care amendment?
Amendments can only be created on an approved application and can only be submitted by the PI (although study team members are permitted to create and complete an amendment task).
To create a new amendment, select the application you would like to amend under the Animal Care tab on your homepage; then click “New Amendment” under the “I would like to create…” heading on the left hand side of the Study Homepage. You will be directed to a one-page form indicating on which you are asked to indicate which section(s) you would like to amend. Once this form has been completed, the application will become unlocked for edits. When you have completed the changes, the following activity options will be listed on the left-hand side of the Amendment Homepage.
• “Edit Amendment Coversheet” – Click to review/edit the one page amendment coversheet
• “Edit Application Form” – Click this to make changes to the application form
• “Application Revision History” – Click this to view where, when, and by whom, changes to the application were made.
• “Submit Amendment Application” – Click this to submit the amendment for review/approval. Once the amendment is submitted, it will become locked as a read-only document to the PI & study team. A snapshot of the original application (excludes all amendment changes) is filed under the amendments tab for reference purposes.
How long does the amendment process take?
When the PI submits the amendment for approval, it goes directly to the ACCA for review. The administration will forward the amendment to the Animal Care Committee as long as the application is deemed complete. The amendment approval process will take approximately 2-3 weeks. (Please note: New amendments cannot be created if the application already has another amendment outstanding).
How will I know when my Animal Care ethics approval is up for renewal?
The PI and Primary Contact will receive an email notification when the application is up for renewal.
How do I create and submit a renewal?
If there are no changes to the project to report (in which case an amendment should be submitted), a renewal of ethics will suffice. Select the application that requires renewal from the Animal Care tab. Click “New Renewal/Terminate” on the left-hand side of the application home page and follow the instructions on the following two pages to submit the renewal. (Please note: Only the PI is able to submit the renewal for review/approval).
Conflict of Interest
Why do I not have a Conflict of Interest (COI) button and tab?
You do not see the conflict of interest button on your “My Home” page because you do not have a “Faculty Member” role in RISe. Certain UBC ranks file a conflict of interest declaration in RISe. If you have questions about this or need a conflict of interest button, please contact the Conflict of Interest Administrator at or 604-822-8623.
How do I create a new COI Declaration
When you get to your “My Home” page, look at the left hand side and under Roles make sure you choose your PI & Staff role. When you do, you will see the conflict of interest button located under the heading “I would like to create a new application for…” .This will open up a new COI/COC electronic form. Follow the guidance notes provided in the grey boxes to the right to complete each question. We encourage you to “Save” your work periodically and when navigating between pages to prevent losing work. You may exit the study at any time and re-enter the application for editing or completion while it is in Pre-Submission state.
How do I know if my application has been submitted?
After you click the “Ok” button on the submission pop-up window the Declaration Homepage will refresh and the pop-up window will disappear. When the screen has refreshed, you will see that the Current State (top left hand corner) will have changed from “Pre Submission” to either “Initial Review” or “Approved”. The declaration homepage will no longer be filed under your “My Inbox” tab. It will now appear under your “Conflict of Interest” tab.
My declaration has disappeared from “My Inbox”. Have I deleted it by accident?
If you have just submitted your declaration, it will have moved out from under your “My Inbox” tab and move under your “Conflict of Interest” tab.
Who is required to complete the annual Conflict of Interest/Conflict of Commitment declaration?
Faculty with the ranks listed below must file online and may not paper file:
Associate Professor
Assistant Professor
Clinical Assistant Professor
Clinical Associate Professor
Clinical Instructor
Clinical Professor
Instructor I
Instructor II
Senior Instructor
Twelve-month Lecturer
Professor of Teaching
If your faculty rank is not on this list and you know you must file in the RISe database, please contact the Conflict of Interest Administrator at or 604-822-8623. Anyone who has signing authority over an active research account must file a Conflict of Interest/Conflict of Commitment declaration in RISe.
Exemptions in the Faculties of Medicine and Pharmaceutical Sciences: Clinicians in these two faculties can be exempted from a Conflict of Interest/Conflict of Commitment declaration if 1) they have no research and no plans for such, and 2) their division or department head okays the exemption in an email to the Conflict of Interest Administrator at
When is the annual declaration due?
Once you update your conflict of interest declaration, it is good for 12 months unless your circumstances change. RISe will send you reminders to update your conflict of interest declaration at about 11 months. You can also update your declaration in RISe at any time.
What are the penalties if I fail to complete an annual declaration?
In the RISe database, an updated conflict of interest declaration is tied to the release of funding so if you do not complete a declaration and keep it up to date, your funding will be held until you do. As well, your Department Head or Dean can freeze all your research accounts if you do not comply with University policy on conflict of interest and conflict of commitment.
Do I have to report changes in my activities and/or interests before the next due date?
Yes, whenever your circumstances have changed you should update your conflict of interest declaration. If you are not sure, please contact the Conflict of Interest Administrator at or 604-822-8623.
Can I appeal a decision made by the Conflict of Interest Committee?
No, The Conflict of Interest Committee is the final avenue of appeal for conflict of interest.
Who is on the Conflict of Interest Committee?
The Conflict of Interest Committee is composed of broad representation from within the UBC community and may include other members. Please see the following website for more information:
Conflict of Interest Definitions
“Administrative Head of Unit” means a Director of a service unit, a Head of an academic department, a Director of a centre, institute or school, a Principal of a college, a Dean, an Associate Vice-President, the Registrar, the University librarian, a Vice-President or the President or the equivalent.
“Business” means a corporation, partnership, sole proprietorship, firm, franchise, association, organization, holding company, joint stock company, receivership, business or real estate trust, or other legal entity organized for profit or charitable practice, but excluding the University, an affiliated Hospital, a private medical practice, or other entity controlled by, controlling, or under common control with the University or an affiliated Hospital.
“COI Committee” means a committee established by the University Counsel to carry out the roles set out in Section 7 of this Policy, and which includes at least one independent person who is neither a Faculty Member nor a staff member of the University.
“Conflict of Commitment” occurs where a UBC Person engages in Non-University Activities that are substantial or demanding of the UBC Person’s time and attention and adversely affect the discharge of the UBC Person’s responsibilities to the University. UBC Persons must disclose Conflicts of Commitment and obtain written approval prior to engaging in any activity that may give rise to a Conflict of Commitment.
“Conflict of Interest” means a situation in which a UBC Person, or his or her Related Party(ies), has a personal interest that conflicts or could conflict with the UBC Person’s obligations to the University. Please note:
•The existence of a Conflict of Interest involves two elements: the UBC Person’s or a Related Party’s personal interest(s), and the UBC Person’s obligations to the University. Personal interests may include business, commercial or financial interests, as well as personal matters and career interests. A UBC Person’s obligation to the University is to act in the University’s interests, which includes acting in support of the University’s integrity and fundamental mission and avoiding circumstances that may undermine public confidence and trust. The University has many diverse objectives, which include many supporting commitments, goals and actions. From time to time these objectives, commitments, goals and actions may appear to be, or may actually be in conflict with one another. In such cases, the University’s overriding interest is that its activities are undertaken with integrity and in accordance with the highest ethical standards.
•Conflicts of Interest may be actual or potential.
•An actual Conflict of Interest is a situation where the personal interest actually conflicts with the UBC Person’s obligations to the University.
•A potential Conflict of Interest is a situation where the personal interest has not yet conflicted with the UBC Person’s obligations to the University, but might be expected to.
“Executive Position” means any position that includes responsibilities for a material function of the operation or management of a Business.
“Faculty Member” means, for the purposes of this Policy, a person employed by the University as a professor, associate professor, assistant professor, professor of teaching, clinical professor, clinical associate professor, clinical assistant professor, clinical instructor, instructor I, instructor II, senior instructor, twelve-month lecturer, or in an equivalent position designated by the applicable senate.
“Financial Interest” means having or having the expectation to receive:
• greater than a 5% ownership interest in a single entity; or
•anything with a monetary value exceeding $5,000 in any one calendar year, including remuneration (e.g. salary, consulting fees, retainers, honoraria, bonuses, gifts, speaker’s fees, advisory board remuneration, finders or recruitment fees), equity interests (e.g. stocks, stock options or other ownership interests), and intellectual property rights (e.g. patents, copyrights, royalties or other payments from such rights).
“Initial Reviewer” means the individual responsible for initially reviewing a UBC Person’s disclosures of Conflicts of Interest and perceived Conflicts of Interest or approving a UBC Person’s Conflicts of Commitment. Except as otherwise designated by the University Counsel, a UBC Person’s Initial Reviewer is the Administrative Head of Unit in which that UBC person holds his or her primary appointment.
“Non-University Activity” means any activity outside a UBC Person’s scope of work with the University and includes Outside Professional Activities.
“Outside Professional Activity” means any activity outside a UBC Person’s scope of work with the University that involves the same specialized skill and knowledge that the UBC Person utilizes in his or her work with the University and includes the operation of a Business, consulting or advisory services, external teaching, external academic appointments and external speaking engagements.
“Related Party” means means a UBC Person’s immediate family member (e.g. spouse, partner, child, parent or sibling), or other person living in the same household, any other person with whom the UBC Person shares a Financial Interest, either directly or indirectly, or any entity in which the UBC Person has an ownership interest of more than 5%.
“UBC Person” means full-time and part-time Faculty Members and staff members of the University, and any other person who teaches, conducts research, or works at or under the auspices of the University (including but not limited to students, adjunct and sessional faculty, librarians, program directors, post-doctoral fellows, emeriti and those holding a visiting appointment).
What is Sandbox?
Sandbox is a simulation of RISe that allows users to adapt different roles and to learn and become familiar with navigating the system mainly through creating and submitting test applications. You can access the RISe Sandbox by visiting our Sample Forms & RISe Sandbox page, clicking on RISe Sandbox and logging in with the provided usernames and passwords.
Relationship with Industry
What is the Relationship with Industry module and why do I have to complete it? Why am I seeing an error message indicating that I have to take the Relationship with Industry module?
Effective October 2014, all UBC Faculty of Medicine faculty members who currently complete an annual Conflict of Commitment/Conflict of Interest Declaration will be required to complete the new Relationship with Industry Module. Once completed, it will be an ongoing requirement that you complete this module every three years.
The Relationship with Industry module covers key issues in the relationships between the medical community and industry, and educates faculty in a fun and engaging way about UBC Faculty of Medicine’s policy on this subject. As an additional incentive, this module has been approved for physician study credits (up to 1.0 MOC Section 3 and 2.0 Mainpro+ credits).
The RISe system has indicated that you have not recently completed this module so you are required to do it now. If you think you have taken the Relationship with Industry module recently and believe you have been sent this message in error, please contact us at
Who is required to take the Relationship with Industry module?
All UBC Faculty of Medicine staff with the following ranks are required to take this module:
Associate Professor
Assistant Professor
Clinical Assistant Professor
Clinical Associate Professor
Clinical Instructor
Clinical Professor
Instructor I
Instructor II
Senior Instructor
Twelve-month Lecturer
Professor of Teaching
Exemptions may be made for Clinical Professor, Clinical Associate Professor, Clinical Assistant Professor, and Clinical Instructor if 1) there are no plans for research activities, 2) there are no conflicts to declare, or 3) division or department Head okays the exemption in an email to the Relationship with Industry Administrator at
You are being asked to complete the module because RISe has indicated that you are one of the ranks above. If this is incorrect, you can change your ranking after you sign in to RISe in your personal profile. See the RISe FAQ “General” for instructions or contact For questions about the Conflict of Interest Declaration please contact the Conflict of Interest Administrator at
I am not a faculty member with the Faculty of Medicine so why am I being asked to complete this module?
The RISe system has indicated that you are a Faculty of Medicine faculty member. If this is incorrect, please contact the Conflict of Interest Administrator at or call 604-822-8623.
I have taken the Relationship with Industry module within the last three years, so why do I still get the message that I need to take it?
The RISe system has indicated that you have not recently completed this module so you are required to do it now. It is possible that you started the module but never finished it – please go to the module in UBC Canvas now to finish your previous attempt. If you think you have completed the Relationship with Industry module recently and believe you have been sent this message in error, please contact us at
When is the Relationship with Industry module due to be completed?
Starting October 2014 you will be required to take this module and, once completed, it will be an ongoing requirement that you complete this module every three years. The RISe system will notify you when you are approaching this time and send you a reminder.
When I log in to Canvas to take the module I can’t see it. How do I access the module?
To access the Relationship with Industry module on Canvas you will need to self-enroll yourself in the course. Follow the instructions here. If you are having difficulties accessing the course, please contact
How do I get Continuing Medical Education credits for completing this module?
By completing the Relationship with Industry module you are eligible for up to 1.0 MOC Section 3 and 2.0 Mainpro+ credits. To obtain your certificate of completion, please contact for help.
My ethics application and Conflict of Interest Declaration are due now and I don’t have time to wait, how can I bypass this module so I can submit everything?
If you need an urgent approval of your Conflict of Interest you may request a bypass at or you can call the Relationship with Industry Administrator at 604-875-4111 ext. 24696. After your application has been submitted this bypass will be removed and you will still need to complete the module before your next submission. For help with the Conflict of Interest Declaration contact the Conflict of Interest Administrator at or call 604-822-8623.
How can I see when my Relationship with Industry module expires?
After logging into RISe, click on your name in the top right corner of the screen to retrieve your user profile. Your Relationship with Industry module expiration date will be shown under the “Training Information” section. Note that this value will be blank if you have not yet completed the Relationship with Industry module.
Where can I learn more about the Relationship with Industry module?
You can learn more on the UBC Division of Continuing Professional Development website here. You can read UBC Faculty of Medicine’s relationship with industry policy here. You can also email the Relationship with Industry Module Administrator at